Worker In Hospital After Near Miss at POAGS In Fremantle

Published: 7 Jun 2012

An MUA member is in hospital following a workplace accident at POAGS in Fremantle.

Dino Bacich, 35, is recovering from a dislocated shoulder but it could have been a whole lot worse when the vehicle he was driving tipped when loading the ro-ro Tamesis last week.

(have you had a safety incident at work? Report it by clicking HERE)

The mafi trailer was reportedly carrying 47 tonnes of mining machinery up the ramp when it overturned. Members guiding the load up the ramp were forced to leap out of the way to avoid being crushed.

Witnesses said if the incident had occurred just a few metres closer to the guard rail, the vehicle would have plunged into the sea with devastating consequences.

Issues behind the crash include the incorrect stowage of the load, which was weighted to one side, and flexing of the ramp at the join which culminated in the load toppling over.

Alarmingly, reports from the scene indicate that workers raised concerns about the safety of the load at the time, but were instructed to proceed.

Workcover is investigating the incident.

Members are encouraged to be certain that:

  • Loads on trailers are secured and the weight is equitably distributed
  • Ships ramps are flat and without obstacles



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney