Victory in Alma: Global Solidarity

Published: 14 May 2013

Steelworkers in Alma, Quebec, won their fight against Rio Tinto for good jobs for future generations through a global solidarity campaign. The following is a message from the USW thanking the MUA for it's help throughout the dispute.

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Several months ago, we sent you a very heartfelt thank you letter recognizing  your assistance and solidarity to the United Steelworkers during the six month lockout of our members by Rio Tinto in Alma, Quebec.

We are sending a video that we prepared on the global campaign, and many of you and your unions appear in the video.  We thought you would enjoy seeing the video and perhaps use it as an educational tool.  The link to the video on our website is:

We are pleased that IndustriALL, our global trade union federation, is continuing the campaign along with the Mining and Maritime Initiative which played such a crucial role in the campaign.

In solidarity,

Ken Neumann

National Director

United Steelworkers


Dispute Background

Steelworkers, Global Solidarity Put End To Rio Tinto's Six-Month Lockout In Quebec

Alma Lockout - 780 Comrades from the United Steelworkers Union Locked Out in Quebec

MUA Solidarity Actions--Pictures:

Alma Lock Out Solidarity - DPW & Patrick Sydney



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney