Published: 23 Apr 2015
On March 26 2015, the same day the Federal Court Judge made a favourable ruling against the 457 visa workers, the Victorian women's committee had their second official meeting.
My sisters and I were delighted to welcome Ged Kearney the President of the ACTU and Jennifer O'Donnell-Pirisi the Women's Officer From the VTHC as guest speakers, as well as Leonor De la Rosa Alvarez From the Cultural Ministry of Cuba.
Ged And Jennifer spoke to us regarding a number of key issues the ACTU, VTHC and its affiliates are working on in relation to women's rights in the work place. Of particular note, the family domestic violence provision. They are hopeful of having this inserted into EBA agreements Australia wide.
Both Ged and Jennifer are remarkable and inspirational, working with boundless energy and heartfelt dedication, demonstrating care and concern in all that they undertake. We are immensely thankful to these women for their time, sharing and mentoring.
I believe having women's committees are vitally important to our industry and our union as women have the immediate capacity to identify workplace issues and assist in accommodating changing demands through consultation and inclusion. This is our chosen profession, we are working in a male dominated industry and its time we stand together and let our voices be heard.
If you wish to come to the next meeting in June please feel welcome, as we are always seeking those who are motivated to support other women and continue to nurture voice, opportunity and change.
Our union, our future.
In unity
Krista Grace