Vale Pat Geraghty: A Message from the National Secretary Paddy Crumlin

Published: 22 Mar 2016

Dear Comrades, 

I am very sad to report our retired National Secretary Pat Geraghty has passed away overnight from medical complications following a heart problem last week. Our first thoughts and deepest sympathies go out to his loving family, who with others, have stood vigil with him at his bedside and elsewhere in preparation for his final voyage. The family wish to reach out and thank everyone for the overwhelming messages of support and want you to know that they have found great strength and peace through that support.

Pat was a remarkable person and, of course, will be greatly missed. We are reassured in, our grief at his passing, that he lived a life that brought hope, opportunity, peace, support and decency to maritime and other workers in this country and across the world. He lived his life around a determination that if you can make a contribution for the common good of anyone, then do it. He worked for the common good with his inimitable and indomitable humour, wisdom, compassion, humility and persistent courage and raw toughness in the face of many adversities.

He earned, without expectation, the respect and admiration of national and international political, human rights, corporate and trade union leaders at the highest level while holding other’s belief and faith in him and his work from the working women and men that he unerringly and uncompromisingly represented. 

At a time of deep and adversarial division nationally and internationally Pat's constant commitment to peace, justice and opportunity and support for all - regardless of person, place and circumstance - will continue to stand as a beacon for hope and focused action for those that wish to tread the same pathway and also those that are in such dire need of that leadership that delivers on that hope to so many.

Pat has completed a long journey and on behalf of the MUA we wish his loving family all of the relief, our deepest sympathies and condolences, that we can bring at this time of their grief. We hope deeply, in some small way, our heartfelt thoughts reassure them of the great love and belief we had in Pat and all he strove for on their, and our behalf.

We will keep you informed of the arrangements for the funeral after talking to the family. Could you please relay the news of Pat’s passing to his many friends and comrades in your reach please.

Vale Patrick Geraghty, family man, seafarer, trade unionist and leader, socialist and man of peace.

Goodbye, friend and comrade.

In unity,


Paddy Crumlin


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney