Vale Ken McLeod

Published: 4 Jun 2016

Former Steward's Union National Secretary, Seamen's Union of Australia and Maritime Union of Australia Assistant National Secretary, Ken McLeod, has passed away. See this notification from National Secretary Paddy Crumlin. 

Dear comrades

It's my sad duty to let you know that I have been informed by Ken Mcleod's family that he has passed away on Saturday after a period of ill health.

Our sympathies and condolences go out to his family including son Ben, daughter Kym and brother Colin.

Can was the National Secretary of the Stewards Union and was instrumental in the amalgamation between that union and the Seamen's union in the 80s.

He was Assistant National Secretary of the SUA and subsequently the MUA before his retirement in the late 90s.

Ken was part of the National leadership team of the MUA during the Patrick dispute and was extraordinarily active over his long tenure of union  leadership both on behalf of maritime workers in Australia and internationally.

Loyal, colourful and energetic with a light good humour and warm human touch and appreciation of others, he devoted his life to his seafaring profession and maritime workers and was greatly respected and loved by many.

He was a director of the Seafarers Retirement Fund for many years and part of the leadership there in delivering long term financial security to seafarers and our families while working and in retirement culminating in the formation of Maritime Super.

He was particularly devoted to the welfare of our members and was tireless in his work supporting our members and their families in distress both through the union and the Fund.

I have been in contact to the family and a number of our veterans and will keep you and our membership informed of the details of Ken's funeral.

Vale Ken McLeod, seafarers and unionist who committed his life to the betterment of others. Now at rest.

Sincerely and in unity

Paddy Crumlin

National Secretary



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney