Vale Brendan Ingleson

Published: 17 Aug 2017

It is with the greatest regret to report that staunch Delegate and beloved MUA member Brendan Ingleson passed away on Tuesday morning.

He was only 47.

The tragic event took place at Brendan’s hotel whilst awaiting scans after suffering an injury on board a Farstad vessel.

Brendan leaves behind his wife and family who are obviously devastated with this loss.

The MUA family offers full support to Brendan’s family and members who are affected by this tragedy.

If members would like to make rolling fund or personal donations to assist Brendan’s family, they can do so through the below account details.

Please ensure you enter reference “Brendan Ingleson”. Donations can also be made through the branch.


Account details

Fremantle Special Purpose
BSB: 882 000
Account: 25133

In Unity


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney