Urgent Negotiations needed on quota cut for Tropical Rock Lobster

Published: 1 May 2018

The Maritime Union of Australia is calling on the Federal and Queensland Governments to convene urgent talks with Malu Lamar Prescribed Body Corporate and the Torres Strait Fisherman Association on behalf of Torres Strait islander peoples over the cut to the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for the Tropical Rock Lobster by Traditional Islander Boat (TIB) license holders.

Thomas Mayor MUA NT Secretary

Thomas Mayor, MUA Northern Territory Secretary said the TAC cut would have a huge impact on the livelihoods of communities in the Torres Strait.

“The Federal and State Governments need to initiate talks with the Torres Stait Islander people who hold the TIB license to help them avert a massive drop in their income as a result of the cut.

“This catch is a source of income for these communities and for the government to remove it without a plan in place to manage the impact is wrong and needs to addressed immediately.

Maluwap Nona, Chair of the Malu Lamar Corporation will address the inaugural Construction Forestry Maritime Mining and Energy Unions’ Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander National Conference in Cairns to seek their support to resolve this important issue.

“The Government needs to listen to our community and take swift action before this has an impact on our ability to generate income to support our families.

“They need to sit down and negotiate a better way to manage the TAC and not leave our community to manage the income drop without support,” Mr Nona said.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney