Uncle Bob Anderson Award Recipient

Published: 25 Jun 2012

Congratulations to Paddy Neliman on being selected as the recipient of the Uncle Bob Anderson Award. Paddy was nominated by the Qld Branch and will be presented with the award later this week at the Queensland Council of Unions by Uncle Bob Anderson at the QCU NAIDOC event.

It is a huge honor for Paddy and is in recognition for his outstanding contribution to the trade Union movement in Qld.

Uncle Bob Anderson has been an activist in the TUM since the 1950's, was elected as State Organizer for the BWIU in 1963, and has participated in many struggles over his long life. Bob instigated a voluntary contribution of 2 shillings and 6 pence from BWIU members to fund and assist with campaigns for Aboriginal rights, some of this money was used to resurrect the tent embassy at the old Parliament house after the McMahon government had it torn down.

During the 1960's Uncle Bob Anderson was the Sth East Qld delegate for the BWIU on the Qld council for advancement of Aboriginal &Torres Straight Islander people and was actively involved in the 1967 referendum.

Other demonstrations Uncle Bob was involved in were the Vietnam moratoriums demonstrations, the Pine Gap anti nuclear demonstrations where he was jailed for 5 days for refusing to pay a fine for trespassing on a US military base, and the tent embassy.

His contributions go on and on, but is his generosity in continuing to give inspiration to young Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people that makes him a true inspiration.

Paddy Neliman is a worthy winner of the Uncle Bob Anderson award, and has a played  tremendous and positive role in all aspects of his Union work and particularly his leadership, and connection towards working for a better  life for all where fairness equality and opportunity are the benchmark. 

Paddy and other members of his family played a pivotal role in the preparation and the events that coincided with the 20th anniversary of the Mabo decision held in Townsville earlier this month.

Congratulations Paddy from the Qld Branch and the whole of the MUA on another wonderful achievement.

Mick Carr




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney