Unauthorised Use Of Members Mobile Number

Published: 10 Dec 2016

Notice To Members

Following a recent incident where National President MUA Veterans Association Fred Krausert’s mobile number was used without his authorisation or his knowledge to send an abusive text message to an official, members are advised to confirm the veracity of any suspicious text they may receive.


Comrade Krausert, who has been a stalwart of this union for many years, was extremely upset and left quite shaken to think that his name had been besmirched in this manner and has asked that we put this notice out so that all members are aware of this incident and are aware that anyone’s mobile number can be used in this way.


This type of incident will be subject to the ongoing review of the union’s policies around bullying and harassment which will update the policies to incorporate issues arising from use/misuse of modern technologies.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney