Timor to Draw the Line film 17 October

Published: 13 Oct 2016

Screening of the new documentary on the Timor Sea issues: “Time to Draw the Line”.

Fabio Cavadini and Mandy King have made this film, and here’s what some others in the industry have said about it:

"It’s a very passionate piece of work, very moving.  Beautifully crafted. Well argued.”  Tom Zubrycki, Producer/director

"It’s fantastic. A strong argument, but also a terrific study of a period of history too. Congratulations, it is a very significant work on this issue.”    Robert Connolly, Director of ‘Balibo’ and ‘Barracuda'


Photographer: Sula Sendagire

A foretaste:

The film highlights the views of a diverse cross section of Australians on the vexed issue of maritime boundaries between Australia and its newest and smallest neighbour, Timor Leste.

Australia has negotiated permanent maritime boundaries with 5 different nations but it has yet to negotiate the last 1.8 percent -  the boundary with Timor Leste. At issue is an area in the Timor Sea, rich in oil reserves.  East Timor wants the boundary to be drawn at the median line, half way between the two countries.  It sounds simple and fair - so why won't Australia agree?

The film combines contemporary anecdotes with an emotional search of Australia’s and Australians’ near century long connection to Timor Leste which reveals a chequered relationship of friendship and courage, mistrust and betrayal. 

Venue: Mary MacKillop Place, Mount Street North Sydney
Date and Time: Monday 17th October, 5:30 for 6:00. 
Booking: http://timfo.org/events/



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney