Tasmanian Branch Conference 2012

Published: 27 Apr 2012

MUA Tasmanian Branch held their 2012 Branch Conference and was deemed a tremendous success. The conference was organised and hosted by Branch Secretary Jason Campbell, Deputy Secretary Ian Hill and Branch Manager Alisha Bull.

There was a great rank and file turn out as representatives from all Ports in Tasmania and across the maritime sector were in attendance.

Delegates and members heard reports and contributions detailing organising strategies and campaigning ideas that formed the basis of two days of discussion and debate. 

The Rank and File members endorsed a multitude of resolutions including plans to:

  • Re-invigorate Port Committees;
  • Campaign against Casualisation, particularly in stevedoring;
  • Work to engage with Tas Ports (the primary employer in the maritime sector in Tasmania);
  • Activate the branch politically;
  • Involve all rank and file members in developing and running campaigns;
  • Work together across worksites to recruit new members; and
  • Run training programs for delegates and members.

The branch conference was also addressed by Assistant National Secretary Ian Bray, Matt Purcell (Deputy ITF Coordinator, Australia) and Clem Clothier (ITF Inspector and SA Deputy Branch Secretary) about the role and importance of the ITF and the volunteer inspectors around Australia. 

A full report from the conference will be available soon. 






Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney