Supporting a United Ireland is in MUA’s Blood

Published: 3 Sep 2014

The MUA, in conjunction with the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, has invited two Sinn Fein leaders to Australia as supporters of the Irish party’s cause.

MUA Deputy National Secretary Mick Doleman, Sydney Branch Deputy Secretary Paul Keating and Sydney Branch Assistant Secretary Joe Deakin joined a delegation of members Danny Brady, Joe McDonald, Martin O’Daly, Bobby Maguire and Glen Mallon in meeting Sinn Fein Vice President Mary Lou McDonald and Member of Parliament for Mid Ulster Francie Molloy at the CFMEU offices.

Doleman said the MUA has always had strong ties with Sinn Fein and shared a lot of common values with the Ireland-based party.

“Sinn Fein is still working hard with all sections of the community, regardless of religion for a united Ireland, which is something we identify with,” he said.

“While global attention is focused on Gaza and the Middle East, there is still a strong yearning for a united Ireland without the imported influences of Britain, and its important that this is not forgotten.

“The MUA is a union made up of every nationality in the world and has a strong English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh heritage the union has always supported the aspirations of liberation movements across the world, including Ireland.”

There was also a women’s activist meeting held beforehand, headed by Mary Lou, to discuss women in leadership.

National Women Liaison Officer Mich-Elle Myers said it was very inspiring to hear of Mary Lou's struggles and to see her overcome them to become a woman in a frontline position making a difference.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney