Support workers targeted by DHL Turkey

Published: 12 Dec 2012

Since April 2011, DHL workers in Turkey have been targeted by management for simply joining their union and organising for better conditions in their workplace. Help support the ITF's campaign and show solidarity with DHL workers.

For more than 18 months, Deutsche Post DHL workers in Turkey have been targeted by management for merely joining their union and organising for better conditions in their workplace. 

So far, 22 workers have lost their jobs. That’s 22 families who are now struggling to survive in harsh economic times simply for exercising labour rights that are protected by international law.

A hard-hitting report, Aggressive and unlawful: A report into Deutsche Post DHL operations in Turkey, has revealed the lengths the company has gone to attack and victimise unionists and workers, including through illegal sackings, threats and intimidation. 

Today has been designated an international day of action as union workers, supporters and representatives from around the world are demanding logistics giant DHL allow workers to exercise their human rights to join a union and reinstate the sacked workers in Turkey.

Show your support for DHL workers by sending a message to management at DHL Australia. 

Your message will help make the case for DHL workers to have the same rights and respect, no matter where in the world they are employed. 

Image - Solidarity-for-Turkish-DHL-workers.jpeg


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney