Support sacked Philippine Airline Workers

Published: 27 Mar 2013

Philippine Airlines locked out 2400 check-in, baggage, catering, reservation agents, cargo workers, mechanics and many others on September 2011 and, then, subsequently sacked the workers in October 2011. They were, then, asked to reapply for their jobs at half of their previous pay. A peaceful protest camp has been going on for 18 months and we need your support: 18 months is a long time to support your family without receiving a wage. Sign the petition to pressure Philippine Airlines to reinstate their workers now!

The October 29th 2010 decision by the Philippine Labor Ministry to permit the laying off – prior to possible rehiring on probably inferior terms – of Philippine Airlines (PAL) workers is a setback in the struggle by the PALEA union to prevent the stripping for profit of the airline and a steady degradation of working conditions there.

This government decision will allow Lucio Tan, a wealthy businessman and owner of PAL – the national flag carrier – to outsource its airport services, in-flight catering and call centre reservations, and lay off more than half of its workforce.

The decision confirms one made by the previous Philippine government, that the retrenchment of jobs is permissible as ‘a valid exercise of management prerogative’. PALEA and the ITF had campaigned to persuade the new government of Benigno Aquino that the move, if permitted would further aggravate strained labour relations within the airline, weaken PAL, and, furthermore, could be construed as asset stripping of PAL and an attempt to weaken the union and neutralise its defence of its members’ jobs.

In July 2010 the ITF expressed its admiration for President Aquino’s pledges to promote fairness and fight corruption, and appealed to the government to intervene to overturn the decision to let the job cuts go ahead. That appeal continues now, despite this latest setback, and you are asked to join us in seeking to persuade President Aquino’s government that justice has a place in PAL too.

Sign the petition to pressure Philippine Airlines reinstate their workers now!

You can also support by joining their facebook page:




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney