Statement by the Port Kembla Unions on agreement termination

Published: 22 Feb 2018

The Port Kembla Port Unions Committee condemns the actions of Port Kembla Coal Terminal management and Board in blatantly manipulating the unfair and flawed legislation that enables the lodging today of the application before FWC to terminate the PKCT Enterprise Agreement and to revert their workforce to an Award that does not reflect the 2018 industry terms and conditions.

The recent ABC 7.30 Report program which followed the lockout of their workforce clearly displayed the lack of good faith in bargaining by PKCT management in the EA negotiations and exposed the underhanded intent of stripping away the protections provided to the workers security of employment under the current Agreement, so they could then slash a third of the workforce only to replace them with external contractors.

This application to terminate the Enterprise Agreement is yet another example of the industrial rules in Australia being broken and why we need to change the rules.

The Port Kembla Port Unions Committee and the workers we represent call on FWC to dismiss outright the PKCT application for termination of the PKCT Enterprise Agreement.

Media Contact: Garry Keane 0419724433


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney