Solidarity for Dockers in Nigeria

Published: 14 Feb 2017

Tally clerks and onboard security men from the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria were effectively sacked in December 2015 by the National Ports Authority who failed to renew their contracts. 

Dear Comrades

Tally clerks and onboard security men from the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria were effectively sacked in December 2015 by the National Ports Authority who failed to renew their contracts. Thousands of dockworkers have been affected and we need your help to resolve this situation.

Please follow the link to send a letter to the Nigerian government calling for their urgent intervention to find an equitable solution to this situation:

Please also forward this link to your members and seek their support.

Yours in solidarity
Sharon James
Secretary, Dockers’ Section


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney