Single Maritime Regulator A Win For Safety And Training

Published: 24 Aug 2011

The Maritime Union of Australia has welcomed COAG’s decision to make AMSA the sole maritime regulator as a win for safety and training across the industry.

MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin said that if properly implemented, the reform will deliver seafarers improved training and employment pathways.
“The Federal Government, and particularly Minister Anthony Albanese, deserve credit for steering this crucial reform through COAG, with the assistance of the states and the Northern Territory,” Mr Crumlin said.
“This will allow seafarers to move seamlessly around the nation, ensuring their qualifications and licenses are recognised anywhere in Australia.
“AMSA also has the potential to improve safety for seafarers across the nation, by introducing the highest possible standard to all jurisdictions.”
Mr Crumlin said the MUA now looked forward to seeing the intergovernmental agreement that will give effect to the decision.
He said today’s decision was a major step forward in implementing the broader agenda of maritime reform.
“Along with shipping reform, ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention and a National Ports Strategy, this government has shown it has the appetite for much needed industry reform.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney