Seafarer Racially Abused by Liberal MP

Published: 17 Jun 2016

The Maritime Union of Australia is demanding an apology from Liberal MP Russell Matheson after he racially abused an unemployed seafarer outside of a Candidate’s Forum in Campbelltown last night.

Kerry Farrell, a 28-year-old Australian man, approached Mr Matheson in the square following the debate and attempted to ask him a question about national security, however before he could finish his sentence, Mr Matheson told Mr Farrell to ‘go back to your own country’.

MUA Assistant Branch Secretary Joe Deakin, a local constituent in the seat of Macarthur witnessed the event along with a dozen other people.

“It’s 2016 and people can’t engage in reasonable debate without being racially abused and by someone of supposed high standing no less,” Mr Deakin said.

“The way young Kerry was treated is indefensible and I think Prime Minister Turnbull should be held to account for the actions of his Western Sydney MP.

“At the very least I would like to see an official apology from both Mr Turnbull and Mr Matheson.

“In reality I don’t think Mr Matheson is fit to represent the people of Macarthur with his outdated attitudes and he should stand aside.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney