Rottnest Channel Swim for Charity!

Published: 20 Jan 2012

The MUA is sponsoring our friend Chris Reeve in his attempt to complete the Rottnest Channel Swim solo! 19.5 km in shark infested waters off the coast of WA...yep we think he’s mad too!

Chris Reeve is a good friend and well known to many of the MUA WA membership and has admirably chosen to dedicate his swim to raising funds for Tas Bull International Aid, the charity arm of the MUA.

Click HERE to sponsor Chris and help the Tas Bull Foundation!

The Tas Bull International Aid foundation was set up as a legacy for Tas Bull, the legendary Union Rank and File Seafarer & Wharfie, JDA representative, MUA General Secretary, ACTU Vice President, and a great internationalist who dedicated his life to National and International causes. Tas Bull International Aid is affiliated with the ACTU charity APHEDA - Union Aid Abroad.

Tas Bull International Aid has been involved in many projects over the years including OnsPlek, a refuge set up for street kids in the poverty stricken townships of South Africa.

OnsPlek provides support for girls on the street through shelter and empowerment programmes and makes a huge difference to those most in need at the grass roots level.

The funds raised from Chris' swim will be focused on much needed support for this worthy charity.

We encourage members to discuss and consider this fundraiser when holding monthly meetings on board and on the wharf, and we welcome any funds members are kind enough to donate. Please visit the link below which explains more about the event, enables people to donate online, and keeps a tally of the funds raised. Alternatively members can direct cash donations to your local branch - for further credit to "Reevesy Swims for OnsPlek"- Tas Bull International Aid.

Get behind Chris comrades and lets make a real difference to those in real need.





Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney