Report 00068

Published: 9 May 2014

Defects or Issues Identified

"NARROW ACCESS between following areas: 20' containers on deck, both sides of bay 53 platforms at 01 deck, fwd end of 00 at 68 deck. Lashing platforms in general are tight. Reefer points create narrow access between some bays. Fall protection issues and noise pollution at bay 59."


Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal

Previous Issues


Actions Taken

  • Local MUA
  • Safety Report Lodged with company
  • "We utilised extra manning to help safely access either side of bay 53, issued a deficiency and stated we would not work these areas until all rectified if it visits again. We had the crew assist with platforms between the narrow bays. Deficient bays need to be rectified."

Further Details

"Currently on Night shift, I will conatct AMSA tomorrow, to see if they can assist and inspect while in Port, or at next Port."

Onward Port



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney