Report 00055

Published: 9 May 2014

Defects or Issues Identified

"Cranes extremely dangerous. Do not return to neutral. Creep on both down wire and slew. When you start one crane it takes off if left out of neutral. I think it is an aussie registered vessel. Crew said because of its condition aussie seafarers refuse to work it. Couldn't find an aussie on board. They are well aware of above but owners can't or won't fix problems."


QUBE (POAGS) - Bunbury

Previous Issues

"Can't remember, either this ship or CSL Pacific in port and we refused to work it."

Actions Taken

  • Local MUA
  • Safety Report Lodged with company
  • "I was charge foreman on last shift and by the time I had invesigated problems vessel was due to sail. Notified shift supervisor we would not work this vessel in future. He notified compant hiring vessel same. I am raising issues of how this vessel was worked when crane faults were logged but ignored by shift supervisors."


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney