Report 00046

Published: 9 May 2014

Defects or Issues Identified

"All walkways except 05 fwd end, 53 aft end and 56 aft end are less than the required 550mm. The space between 20' containers is 550mm, but working space between lashings is only 280mm. 45 bay fwd end has no fall protection on outboard sides, and the 11 slot only has 400mm access, reduced to 200mm when lashings are in place. 45 bay 11 slot is deficient and will not be worked. No provision for safety railings at 01/03 bay. Fall protection for entire vessel is inadequate in both outboard slots and around open hatches. Upon arrival, all ropes were loose and stanchions were missing or broken. To service this vessel the crew repaired broken stanchions and replaced where neccessary and made ropes tight. Not many stanchions and ropes on this vessel, so had to be moved whenever we changed bays. Outboard fall protection rectified by using ropes attached to existing outboard railings and extended to the hatch covers and beyond."


DP World - Adelaide

Port Arrival

18/10/2013 06:00:00

Previous Issues


Actions Taken

  • Local MUA
  • Safety Report Lodged with company
  • AMSA Notified

Further Details

"Bucket of puss!! walkways rusted and broken at best, and safety rails are wobbly even when tight. Hope this one never returns!!"

Onward Port



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney