Report 00035

Published: 8 May 2014

Defects or Issues Identified

"No Fall Protection on outside cells Bay 53 & 55"


DP World - Melbourne

Port Arrival

30/10/2013 06:30:00

Actions Taken

  • Safety Report Lodged with company
  • "DP World Melbourne safety reps in conjunction with management and vessel representatives completed a JSEA on the hazards present. A temporary rail was erected at Bay 55 to allow lashing to be completed safely. Harnesses and lanyards were used at Bay 53 to complete the lashing required. A deficiency was issued to the ship and a letter from DP World to the Ship instructing them to put in a permanent fix by next visit or AMSA will be notified."


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney