Remembering The Stena Clyde

Published: 29 Aug 2013

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[Picture: The Stena Clyde]

The Western Australia branch of the MUA sponsored one of the two nationwide events to mark the one year anniversary of the Stena Clyde tragedy.  Hundreds of MUA members turned out for the memorial which took place as part of the monthly branch stop work meeting.

A large contingent of officials from unions attended to lay wreaths at the foot of two coffins representing Peter Meddens and Barry Denholm.

The men died in an incident involving heavy machinery, although NOPSEMA are yet to find the specific cause of their deaths. Michael Borowick, assistant secretary of the ACTU spoke about the need to ensure that such a tragedy never happens again.

In addition to Borowick, attending were Meredith Hammat (Unions WA), Jim Ward (AWU), Kevin Bracken (MUA), Owen Whittle (Unions WA), Luke Hilakari (VTHC), Jarrod Moran (ACTU), Frank Fairley (AMWU), Matt Dixon (AWU), Les McLaughlan (CEPU), Steve McCartney (AMWU) and the Hon. Kate Doust MLC (WA Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations).

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 [Picture: Moment of silence for the fallen]

In addition to the memorial, members heard from MUA Branch Secretary Chris Cain about the need to volunteer for the campaign to elect Adrian Evans in the seat of Hasluck. Evans spoke, making it clear that his election would mean that workers had a voice in Parliament, a voice who would fight for the good jobs and working conditions.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney