Register now for MUA training in 2015

Published: 28 Apr 2015

The MUA training calendar for 2015 is now available. Training courses are scheduled in all branches and major ports. Click here to register.

9-10 Feb, Brisbane, Delegates 1 ***FULLY BOOKED***

23-25 Feb, Delegates 1 & 2, Darwin.

11-12 March, Delegates 1, Melbourne.

12-13 March, Delegates 1, Port Adelaide.

17-18 March, Delegates 1, Sydney for combined NSW branches.

23-24 March, Delegates 1, Fremantle.

24-25 March, Delegates 1 & 2, Gladstone

25-26 March, Delegates 2, Fremantle.

28-29 April, Delegates 1 & 2, Townsville.

6-7 May, Delegates 1 & 2, Devonport.

19-22 May, Delegates 3, St Georges Basin, open to delegates from all branches by expression of interest.

23-24 June, Delegates 1, Karratha.

30-31 July, Delegates 2, Sydney for combined NSW branches.

3-4 Aug, Delegates 2, Brisbane.

4-5 Aug, Delegates 2, Melbourne.

5-6 Aug, Delegates 2, Port Adelaide.

17-18 Aug, Delegates 1, Fremantle.

19-20 Aug, Delegates 2, Fremantle.

15-17 Sept, Delegates 1 & 2, Darwin.

4-6 Nov, Delegates 2, St Georges Basin.

17-18 Nov, Delegates 2, Devonport.

1-4 Dec, Delegates 3, St Georges Basin, open to delegates from all branches by expression of interest.

For more information contact your branch.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney