QATAR: Human Rights Investigators Found

Published: 9 Sep 2014

The two human rights activists, as the MUA reported as missing on Saturday, have been found.

Krishna Upadhyaya and Ghimire Gundev went missing more than a week ago while they were documenting some of the alleged abuses of workers in the Gulf State. Read the original story here.  

Krishna sent a message to his family, via British consular staff:

“I am well, I have been well looked after and I will be home soon. We have been arrested due to problems with our paperwork," he said.

The campaign for the men's immediate and safe release continues and the pressure is still on Qatar to improve the treatment of migrant workers and their living conditions.

The petition demanding the release of the activists is still ongoing and can be found here.

To find out more about the campaign and other instances of modern slavery check out this website.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney