Procedures for Replacement Ballot Paper Applications and Absentee Voting

Published: 27 Apr 2015

Please read the following important information for the procedure on applying for either a replacement ballot paper, or absentee vote:

1. Replacement Ballot Paper – Applications The member shall apply in writing for a replacement ballot paper by completing the application form available from the Branch Office, the MUA website here or by direct postage from the National Returning Officer (NRO). The member will complete the form by providing his/her details, union number, and as well the possible reason why a replacement ballot paper is being sought (e.g. wrong address – not received / spoilt paper etc). He/she will sign the form, date it and then return it to the NRO at the address provided on the Application form, either by mail, e-mail (as an attachment) or fax.

2. Absentee Voting - Applications Seafarers who request that ballot papers and ballot materials be sent to a place other than their home/postal address because they will be away from that place for the duration of the ballot (Absentee Voting), may apply for an Absentee Vote by ship’s e-mail through their delegate and using only the ships email address. They shall include a forwarding postal address to which their ballot paper can be posted. The application form will be available from the MUA website here. The application form can be completed and scanned and forwarded to the NRO for processing. This facility is also available for any shore-based members who are certain that they will not be present at their home/postal address for the duration of the ballot period ie 28 April to 15 June 2015. Absentee Vote Applications must be made prior to 5:00pm 9 June 2015 – see sub-Rule 47 (f). Once received, and confirmed by the NRO, a replacement ballot paper or absentee voting materials will be posted to the address provided by the Applicant.

3. The “declaration envelope” included with the second ballot paper will be bar coded, and will be designed in such a way that the scanning process will identify it as a “replacement ballot paper”.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney