Pre-operational Crane Inspections Must Occur

Published: 15 Oct 2010

The MUA has received the following report on a crane which catastrophically failed during a load test resulting in a fatality. The point of the information here is to ensure that we perform pre-operational inspections on cranes in all areas of the maritime industry to gauge the behaviour of equipment. If in doubt get it properly checked by an expert.

From: Albert Le Monnier - ITF representative at the ILO and 3rd Vice President ILWU Canada

ITF members,

Attached is a report of an accident showing a complete crane collapse during a load test. There was one fatality. It appears the test was done without a pre-test examination of the crane. It appears the sheave pin was worn out.

I think this accident re-enforces our position that all cranes and accessories should be carefully inspected prior to commencement of a job and not simply take certificate papers for granted. It's true we can't see the conditions of sheave pins and other such items; but we can observe how they behave thus providing a clue on their condition.



Report of the incident is downloadable here.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney