Perfect Fail for Alcoa in Coastal Shipping Exploitation

Published: 12 Feb 2016

The ITF today made a formal complaint to the Fair Work Ombudsman over a Hong Kong registered bulk ship working on the Australian coast since December last year without a Temporary Licence.


During an ITF inspection today, the master of the “Shanghai Spirit” revealed he had no idea what a Temporary Licence was.

ITF inspectors boarded the ship at its berth in Port Kembla, and suspect conditions of the contentious Coastal Trading Licences have not been paid.


ITF National Coordinator Dean Summers said the ITF is also calculating a big back pay for Chinese seafarers on a sister ship in Melbourne, “Asia Pearl 6,” which is expected to reach $100,000 USD.

 “What is most extraordinary however, is that a third ugly sister of the fleet “Asia Spirit” - involved in the vicious Alcoa coastal dispute - has refused access to the ITF in Portland,” Mr Summers said.


Alcoa moved last month to dump Australian seafarers on the Australian registered ship and use government issued licenses to charter cheaper foreign ships into the Australian domestic trade.


“The refusal to allow ITF inspectors on board the Portland’s replacement FOC ship is an admission of guilt"  

“This is a perfect track record for Alcoa after the Strategic Alliance corruption investigation by the AFP and the Greenery Seas underpayment of wages.” 

The owners of the three ships “Asia Maritime Pacific” have an office in Hong Kong but are based in Shanghai. 


Contact: ITF National Coordinator Dean Summers, 0419 934 648


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Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney