Notice to MUA Officials Delegates and Members regarding the community protest at QUBE Station Pier

Published: 16 Aug 2013

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A number of MUA members employed by QUBE Ports Pty Ltd (QUBE) have recently been dismissed by QUBE. The MUA is assisting the members fight their dismissals under the Fair Work Act.

QUBE has commenced a legal case in the Supreme Court of Victoria seeking injunctions and damages against the MUA, Kevin Bracken (MUA Victorian Branch Secretary) and some MUA members, including any members and other people who were at a picket line at the Freight entrance at Station Pier between 26 July to 29 July 2013 (inclusive).

On 29 July 2013, the Supreme Court made an order against the MUA which requires that the MUA by its officers, employees or agents or otherwise must not:

  1. (A)  Prevent, hinder or interfere with free access and free egress of persons and/or vehicles from the Station Pier Site, Waterfront Place, Port of Melbourne:

  2. (B)  Stand in line or in any formation or any roadway, lane or footpath leading to or away from the Station Pier State so as to obstruct the movement of any person of vehicle onto or off the Station Pier Site; and

  3. (C)  Cause, induce, procure or incite any person to do or attempt to do any of the things referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) above.

The MUA’s position is that the Supreme Court order must be complied with. Officials and members have been directed to comply with the Court order.

The MUA does not authorise any person to engage in any obstructive picketing activity at the Station Pier Site.

Any person who does so is not acting on the authority of the MUA and any such activities are not supported by the MUA.

The MUA is seeking to assist its dismissed members in applications under the Fair Work Act.

Paddy Crumlin National Secretary


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney