NOPSEMA orders full decommissioning of Echo Yodel Field
Woodside's Echo Yodel project is just one example highlighting the blatant disregard Offshore Oil & Gas companies have towards properly decommissioning and removing their abandoned infrastructure around Australia’s coastline.
The Echo Yodel field contains 400 tonnes of deteriorating plastics and equipment including a massive 23 kilometres of pipeline which the company says should remain on the seabed forever – that is the equivalent to 26 million shopping bags wearing away on the seabed.
Through the Offshore Alliance, the MUA has argued that leaving this eroding equipment offshore is unacceptable, and that all companies including Woodside must be made responsible for cleaning up after themselves.
In March 2022, NOPSEMA ruled in favour of the union and declared Woodside’s liability for the full removal of the Echo Yodel field equipment.
This decommissioning project is a significant work opportunity for our members, requiring the support of platform supply vessels, cargo vessels, and anchor handling vessels. Work is due to kick off between 2022 and 2026.
Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of a long road to ensuring that NOPSEMA continues to make offshore oil and gas companies responsible for their actions. The MUA, along with the Offshore Alliance, will continue to fight for complete decommissioning of these projects, creating more jobs for our members.