National Stevedoring Code of Practice (NSCOP) - Fight to Survive

Published: 25 Oct 2012

The employers cynically and disingenuously attempted to bomb NSCOP with their "industry paper", submitted to SWA, one day after the death of Newcastle wharfie Greg Fitzgibbon on September 23.

A thorough analysis of the employer paper reveals the desperation and dishonesty of the stevedoring bosses.

Their basis of opposition to NSCOP has been stripped to the bone and revealed for what it is. Cost and an unwillingness to consult with workers are the main issues from the employers. No real surprises here, but a position that is completely unacceptable to workers and the MUA. 

The "industry paper" has used misleading and incorrect information. The employer submission is based on outright dishonesty as the attached MUA analysis exposes.

We encourage your review of the employer submission which we have used as a basis for political lobbying and have sent to all industry stakeholders and participants of the stevedoring TAG to show how the employers are prepared to prioritise spin and misinformation above safety of their employees. 


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney