Published: 7 Dec 2009
MUA National Secretary and Chair of the International Transport Workers' Dockers Section Paddy Crumlin attended the All India Port & Dock Workers' Federation (AIPDWF) for women worker activists in Mumbai last week.
"It is essential and need to give voice to the women in trade unions so they can work with dignity," said Paddy Crumlin, reporting on how the Maritime Union had a full time Women Liaison Officer to deal with women issues and allocated separate fund for them to carry out their activities.
Twenty women participants from the ports of Mumbai, Cochin Port, Kandla Port, Vaizag Port, Tuticorin Port, Chennai Port, New Manglore Port and Calcutta Port joined the workshop to hear talks on Ports of Convenience and how to recruit women into unions, Kalpana Desai,Secy.AIPDWF reports
Com.P.M.M.Haneefa, Gen.Secy, AIPDWF inaugurated the seminar and in his inaugural speech talked about the liberalized economic policy adopted by the India Government and port reform.
Sis.Paula Hamilton, Asstt.Secy, Docker Section ,ITF London office delivered lecture on Port of Convenience (POC) campaign and the key challenges of growing casualisation, competition, port privatization, union rights and safety in the workplace.
Frank Leys, Secretary ITF DockersSection, London Office, said that women are equal partner in society. He said unions should take initiative to organise and educate more and more women and empower them and bring them into mainstream.
He also spoke about women port workers and impact of globalisation on women workers.
Mahendra Sharma, Regional Secretary, ITF (Asia-Pacific), in his speech said that ITF always encourage and support their affiliates to promote active participation of women.
The National Secretary was in Mumbai to attend the ITF Asia Pacific Dockers Section meeting with Deputy National Secretary Mick Doleman, who was elected Vice President.