National Council - Two Days and Counting

Published: 27 Feb 2016

It's still two days until the main event but delegates and guests have already started to trickle in from around the country and world to take part in the MUA’s premier event – the Quadrennial National Conference.

This time, the conference is being held at Jupiters Casino on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

Many are here to take part in the pre-conference Women, Youth and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander event which kicks off at 8 am tomorrow.

Today, to ensure all of the I’s were dotted and T’s crossed National Council met for the first time of 2016.

Meanwhile, staff were busying themselves making sure all of the conference bags were ready and the tablets with the new Conference App were ready to use.

A number of rank-and-file delegates along with Assistant Sydney Secretary Paul Garrett also lent a hand in helping staff with preparations.

Keep checking this page for updates on the National Conference as events unfold throughout the week.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney