MUA Youth Delegates Organise Chevron Rally in Oslo

Published: 7 May 2012

The Maritime Union of Australia was well represented this month in Norway with the youth committee delegation taking the initiative and organising a rally with the Norwegian Seafarers' Union demonstrating outside the Oslo offices of energy tycoons Chevron.

MUA delegates Sarah Maguire (Qld) and Kyle McGinn (NT) along with Norwegian Seafarers' Union President Jacqueline Smith orgainised the rally which saw a large turn out displaying international solidarity.

"The Norwegian Seafarers' Union is shocked and outraged that in Australia Chevron outsources local jobs to foreign labour rather than to Australian workers." Norwegian Seafarers' Union President Jacqueline Smith said.

"We are also aware that Chevron and its contractors have been caught using foreign labour on illegal visas in the Gorgon project in WA and condemn such dodgy business practices."

"The Norwegian Seafarers' Union fully supports the Maritime Union of Australia's demand for the right for Australians and their communities to benefit from their own national resources and the resource boom in Australia."

"Oil companies must be made responsible to support the communities in the countries they are a part of.  Chevron claims to do so stating on their website":

"Wherever we are, we strive to be a good neighbor, sharing the concerns of our communities and working to create a better future."  

"We trust that Chevron will fulfill their promise and stop its dishonest and disrespectful practices in Australia and towards Australian workers and the MUA," Said President Smith. 




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney