Published: 1 Dec 2009
Delegates to the MUA Young Worker's Conference in Brisbane this week are the unions future
Over 70 delegates from branches around Australia and delegates from MUNZ, RMTU and EPMU are meeting over the next three days to formulate MUA policy and plans for the future years actions. The theme for this years conference is "Know the past and own the Future".
National Secretary Paddy Crumlin reported via pre recorded message his enthusiam for youth delegates to increase their activity and involvement on a local national and international basis. He also stated that it was an opportunity to know the past involvement of previous generation and opportunity to identify what works, what didn't and for them to develop what they want out of their union.
Deputy National Secretary, Mick Doleman reported to the conference that "It was a great honour to address this conference he looked forward to the Conference Delegate's resolutions and Policy to be presented to the next National Council to be held early in the new year".
Workshops in regard to Organising / Campaigns and Communications (webpage etc) are to occur in the next few days,
National ITF FOC coordinator Dean Summers discussed the relationship between the ITF and the MUA industrail objectives. He gave a detailed report on how the FOC campaign works in Australia and some of the great advances in campaigning strategies supported by MUA members in every port in the country.
Retired Veteran Gordon Horn received a standing ovation from the Delegates after recounting stories of the rich history that our union possesses.