MUA Women's Committee Elections

Published: 12 May 2011

Nominations now open for the MUA's Women's Committee.

Are you female and interested in being on the Women's Committee? Details and Nomination form can be found HERE.


The women's committee plays an important role in the democratic structure of the Maritime Union of Australia.  

At present, 5% of the membership are female.  They play a vital role in the strength of our union. The MUA is committed is the advancement of women in our industries and takes women's representation seriously. 

The Women's Committee provides a platform for women to express their views and develop policy advancing their interests and the interests of the wider membership.  


As well as being encouraged to join branch and job committees women members are represented at the highest level, with delegates participating in National Conference and all major international Delegations.  

MUA women are also represented on the women's committee of the International Transport Workers' Federation.  


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney