MUA Takes Part in White Ribbon Day

Published: 25 Nov 2015

Members from around the country all declared their opposition to violence against women and pledged to ‘Stand Up and Speak Out’ about domestic violence.
Members at yesterday's AGM in Sydney all took the oath

Meanwhile, the Australian Labor Party announced a new policy that would allow for domestic violence leave for all workers of five days.

“Labor is committed to addressing the national disgrace that is family and domestic violence,” the party said in a statement.

“A Shorten Labor Government will provide for five days paid domestic and family violence leave in the National Employment Standards (NES).

“Labor’s plan is a part of the solution to reduce the costs of domestic and family violence to individuals suffering domestic violence, as well as businesses and the Australian economy.

“Those who will have access to the leave entitlement will retain their job and income, which gives women choice, reduce isolation, and help them to care for their children and provide them with a safe home environment.”
Vic Members also showed their support

The Australian Council of Trade Unions congratulated Labor for formulating the policy and called on the Turnbull Government to do the same.

“A commitment to paid leave says to workers affected by domestic violence that they are supported and their job is safe,” ACTU President Ged Kearney said.

“Research shows companies already offering paid domestic violence leave or changes to work arrangements have reported virtually no problems in their workplace. In fact, most employers reported positive benefits of providing paid domestic violence leave including improvements to their relationship
Even though the crew of the MV Portland are facing their own struggle, they too took part in White Ribbon Day
MIF Coordinator Mick Doleman, NZEI Secretary Paul Goulter and ITF Australia Coordinator Dean Summers all say 'No' to violence against women
In South Australia the Branch will be taking part in the walk on Saturday, 28 November.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney