MUA supports AEU: Time to Act on School Funding

Published: 17 Feb 2012

A looming federal government decision on schools funding is set to have a huge impact on Australian children and families.

The long-awaited schools funding review by David Gonski will be released on Monday February 20th and parents and union members are being urged to click here to write to their local MP in support of better public school funding.

The Australian Education Union says the federal government's response to the review is a once in a generation opportunity to change the way are schools are funded and better resource public schools.

"We need a new system of school funding, one that allows all children to reach their full potential. This requires a massive investment in our state schools," says AEU Federal President Angelo Gavrielatos.

"Just to reach the average level of education spending of the major nations in the world would require an additional $10 billion a year.

The union and the peak parents organisation, The Australian Council of State School Organisations, have been building support for a greater investment in public schools through a national tour in a special campaign bus.

 "Our future depends on having public schools of the highest quality in every community," says Angelo Gavrielatos.

"That's why teachers and parents are asking all union members to please send an urgent email to the Prime Minister and your local member reminding them that the best investment for our future is in public schools."

You can find out more about the national tour and where the bus is stopping on the website and on facebook at and



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney