MUA Solidarity With ILWU Local 63 Clerical Unit

Published: 4 Dec 2012

Paddy Crumlin, National Secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and President of the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), issued the following statement of solidarity relating to the Local 63 ILWU Clerical Workers who are currently on strike:

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[Picture: Delegates at the MUA National Safety Conference pledge their solidarity to the local 63]


“The MUA and ITF dockers’ section stand fully behind the ILWU Local 63 clerical workers’ in their fight against blatant union busting,” said National Secretary Crumlin. “We stand with you as you have stood with us in our battle against Patricks, which announced it would automate Port Botany and sack half the workforce.

ITF seafarers’ and dockers’ leaders met in Cyprus and, knowing the impact of outsourcing for decent work throughout the industry, the ITF, along with the MUA, have pledged solidarity with the ILWU. 

The ITF has also contacted ship owners to ensure that crews on ships covered by ITF agreements are aware of the dispute and are advised to respect the strike, in accordance with the terms of their collective agreements.

With the support from the ILWU dockers’ and unions around the world, I have no doubt that the Local 63 Clerical Workers will be victorious,” Crumlin said.

The six hundred clerical workers have been without a contract for over two years and their jobs are threatened by outsourcing. The workers went on strike and dock workers have refused to cross their picket lines.

For more information, updates and to send your own message of solidarity - Click Here. 

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Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney