MUA rallies for Australian jobs on massive Chevron resources projects

Published: 29 Nov 2011

The Maritime Union of Australia is rallying today to call on Chevron to keep resource jobs for Australians rather than choosing to use foreign labour.

The MUA is demanding that the jobs from resource projects go to Australian workers first, and that the company invests in training young people.
At the same time, Chevron contractor Allseas has lodged action with the Federal Court to prevent the Immigration Department checking the visas of its employees.
Chevron and its contractors have previously been caught using dodgy foreign labour in the Gorgon project in WA rather than hiring Australian workers.
"Chevron says it is all about local jobs for Australians on our massive resources projects," said MUA Assistant National Secretary Ian Bray.
"Yet theChevron contractor Allseas this week started proceedings in the Federal Court to test whether work done on the north-west shelf be exempt from the Migration Zone.
"Not only that but they have the audacity to try to ban inspectors from the Department of Immigration from properly investigating their vessels until the case is adjudicated.
"This isyet another disgraceful act from a company with a poor record in this area."
"All we are asking is the right for Australians and their communities to benefit from the resource boom," said MUA WA Deputy State Secretary Adrian Evans.
"We want to ensure that these good jobs go to local workers, that our communities benefit from the flow-on effects, and that our kids are given training so they can have jobs in the future.
"The resource boom needs to benefit Australians - not foreign backpackers."


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney