MUA Notice to Cooks and Chief Cooks

Published: 6 Jun 2013

Changes from the Maritime Labour Convention with regard to certification of Marine Cooks

The commencement of the Navigation Act 2012 and Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2013 on 1 July 2013, which gives effect to Australian ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention, along with commencement of the National Law, which brings all seafarer certification under AMSAs jurisdiction, requires a number of changes to certification for seafarers.

The latest announcement is relevant to Marine Cooks.

These changes arise as a result of active MUA advocacy for the MLC and in particular for proper recognition of Marine Cook qualifications, skills and licensing.

Marine Order 11 at Clause 55 (Training of persons processing food)requires that persons who are employed as a Marine Cook on board a Regulated Australian Vessel (as defined in the Navigation Act 2012) must hold a relevant qualification (Note: This requirement will also be included in new Marine Order 3).  AMSA will issue a Certificate of Proficiency as Marine Cook from 1 July 2013, but will accept applications prior to this date. 

For a seafarer to obtain a Certificate of Proficiency as Marine Cook they must satisfy the following requirements:

1.       They are over 18 years of age; and have completed:

1.1 A training course in hospitality that AMSA considers appropriate training for the performance of the duties or functions of marine cook; or

1.2 At least 6 months documented qualifying seagoing service as a marine cook before 1st July 2014; and

2.       Hold a Certificate of Safety Training in accordance with Marine Order 3 (Seagoing Qualifications) 2004; and

3. Hold a Certificate of Medical Fitness issued in accordance with Marine Order 9 (Health – medical fitness) 2010.

More information regarding Marine Cooks can be obtained at:

-        Note also that the new VET Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Marine Cookery) commences in June 2013 and all new entrants to the Marine Cook occupation will need to undertake that qualification and obtain the associated AMSA license.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney