MUA National Song Competition

Published: 21 Oct 2011

The Maritime Union of Australia is holding an original song competition! Although we are the oldest trade union in Australia, the MUA has no anthem or musical identity. We are holding a competition to rectify this situation.

In the past, many songs have been written about the MUA (including the famous 'Roll On' by the Living End in 1999) but now the union needs a new anthem.

We are looking for an original song that best captures and expresses what the union is and does.

The winning song could illustrate the history of the union, our ideals and beliefs today and/or inspire members. The song could be an anthem, a call to arms, an inspirational theme or an evocative modern 'sea shanty'.

Information about the union and its history can be found on our website -

A cash prize of $5000 will be offered for the winner.

The judging panel will consist of MUA officials, members of the music industry and former-Midnight Oil front-man, Peter Garrett.

Details about submitting your entry are below - entries are due by Midnight, December 11.

Details on submitting your entry:

You can send your song via post or email.  The song should be on a CD if posted or MP3 file if emailed. Please note that entries will not be returned.

With your song, you MUST include the following information:

  • the name of the song,
  • the name of the song writer (and collaborators if applicable),
  • the names of all performers,
  • the instrument/s the song is written for (eg - guitar, voice and piano),
  • your full names if you go by a band or stage name,
  • a postal address of the songwriter,
  • your contact phone number,
  • your email address and
  • your age and gender.

Failure to provide any of this information may result in your entry being disqualified.

Note: you must be at least 16 years old to enter.  You may enter as many times as you like, with different songs.

If you are an MUA or other trade union member please note this with your entry, however this will not impact upon the judging.

You can post your entry to:

Maritime Union of Australia Song Contest

Level 2, 365 Sussex Street

Sydney  NSW  2000

You can email your entry to:




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney