MUA National Council - Day 3 Overview

Published: 26 Oct 2011

National Council had a strong and productive day three. An overview report is below.

Day three began with a panel of union leaders talking about union alliances and joint strategy.

National Council was happy to be joined by:

Andrew Vickers - CFMEU (Mining), Tony Sheldon (TWU), Alan Barden (RTBU), and Paul Howes (AWU).

The main points of the discussion highlighted that alliances are becoming increasingly important.  Our employers are global corporations that operate in many companies.  None of us have the capacity to fight on our own anymore against these bodies.

We all have to move forward together. We have to ensure that the blue-collar workers benefiting from the resources boom are unionised.

Alliances are about comradeship.  We don't need formal pieces of paper to show our friendship and our alliances.

South Australian (Deputy Branch Secretary Clem Clothier) and Southern NSW (Secretary Garry Keane) Branches gave their branch reports which were welcomed and accepted.

National Council was pleased to welcome representatives from Hunterlink and Maritime Super to report to National Council.

Paul Karras, manager of Hunterlink, reported on the Hunterlink initiative that is operating in Newcastle being assisted by the Newcastle branch and National Office.

The council was pleased to welcome representatives from Maritime Super and reported on the sound state of the Superannuation fund.




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney