MUA men swear

Published: 19 Nov 2011

MUA members and officials mark White Ribbon Day every year.

Across Australia this week MUA members will acknowledge White Ribbon Day - The international day for the elimination of violence against women. 

MUA ships fly our "Not Silent - Not Violent" flags, members wear shirts and ribbons and wristbands and the seafarers conference in sydney will host a swearing.

In acknowledgement of the global campaign, the MUA, a male-dominated union, stands up every year and says that violence against women is never okay.

MUA members will swear the oath at the seafarers conference in Sydney this Friday. The oath quite simply says: I swear never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.

This is a significant campaign in the union's work and members have embraced it for many years now.

For information on the campaign click here:


MUA video from last years swearing:



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney