MUA Member in Critical Condition Following Workplace Incident at Hutchison Port Botany

Published: 20 Apr 2018

A Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) member remains in a critical condition in hospital after a workplace collision between two port shuttle carriers at Hutchison Ports Australia at Port Botany.

The 55-year-old woman reportedly fell seven metres from the cabin to the concrete below and has since undergone surgery and been placed in an induced coma at St George Hospital, Kogarah.

The woman’s injuries include a broken leg, broken arm and a closed head injury in the incident that occurred shortly after midday on Thursday.

MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin passed on the best wishes of everyone in the MUA, International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and broader union movement.

“Our hearts go out to our member and her family. Everyone deserves to go home safely from work each day no matter where they work and one incident is one incident too many.

“MUA NSW Branch officials and National Safety Officer Mick Cross have been on site at Hutchison today but it is alarming that other officials were not allowed through the gate.

“We know the waterfront is a dangerous place to work. That’s why the campaign for better safety is never ending.”

Cross said that while a police investigation and another by Safe Work NSW are underway, early signs were that the company has failed to meet its obligation under the NSW Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011.

“It appears the company has failed its obligations under the NSW Workplace Health and Safety Act due to a lack of consultation with Health and Safety Representatives in the workplace in the lead-up to this tragic incident,” Cross said.

Crumlin, who is currently at the ITF Executive Board meeting in London, said Hutchison has failed to adequately consult with its workers the world over.

“Hutchison is the biggest stevedore in the world and has an obvious responsibility to its employees worldwide to meet occupational health and safety requirements. At the core of this is full and transparent consultation with its workforce,” Crumlin said.

“Hutchison stevedores across the world have time and again expressed deep concern at the company’s apparent failure to meet this requirement.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney