MUA Makes Huge Showing at May Day Rallies

Published: 5 May 2015

MUA members were out in droves over the weekend taking part in May Day marches held in all capital cities and most regional towns.

This year speeches were centred around the need to be prepared for a snap Federal Election and to start organising against the Abbott Government now.


At the Sydney event, Branch Secretary and May Day Committee Secretary Paul McAleer spoke on the steps of Town Hall to a crowd of a couple of thousand.

"May Day is a day to remember that we still have a long way to go until we have true equality in Australia," McAleer said.

"And we can never truly achieve absolute equality until we, as a free society are afforded the right to strike; the fundamental human right to withdraw our labour."


In Fremantle, MUA WA Branch Secretary Christy Cain said May Day was a day of solidarity.

"Now more than ever, we have to stand together as one to fight the anti-workers forces such as Chevron and their Federal Government cheerleaders such as Michaelia Cash," Cain said.

"These are the people who would happily give your job away to an exploited foreigner so they can work them into the ground, with no rights, no conditions just because it'll save them a couple of dollars."


In Adelaide, South Australian Branch Secretary Jamie Newlyn rallied the crowd calling for an end to the Abbott Government's attacks on workers. 

"It's no secret Abbott and his cabinet hate us South Australians, they've closed down, or are threatening to close down pretty much every unionised industry there is," Newlyn said. 

"Well, comrades, time has come to say enough is enough and we'll do everything in our capacity to ensure that Abbott and his rotten Government won't get a second term.

"See you later One Term Tony."

For all of the photos from the Sydney event and the marches from around the country, click here.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney