MUA Fights Plans to Contaminate Aussie Lands with World’s Nuclear Waste

Published: 19 May 2016

The Maritime Union of Australia will fight any plans to allow the world’s spent nuclear fuel rods and radioactive waste to enter Australia through the Port of Darwin.

The MUA is outraged NT Chief Minister Adam Giles has gone out of his way to not only offer to accept the hazardous cargo, but then transport it through Territorian communities to its destination in South Australia.

“Mr Giles is happy to sell out Territorians so that Malcolm Turnbull can use them as a dirty rag for his own personal gain and to benefit his top end of town mates,” MUA NT branch secretary Thomas Mayor said.

“It’s like putting Homer Simpson in charge of nuclear waste and his big business “Mr Burns” mates are rubbing their hands together. All the while Chief Clancy, aka Natasha Griggs, is none the wiser.”

The MUA says the move further compromises Australia’s national security.

“Malcolm Turnbull allowed the strategic Port of Darwin to fall under the control of Chinese company Landbridge, when it was granted a controversial 99 year lease,” Mr Mayor said.

“If his counterpart Adam Giles is successful then he will be allowing a foreign company oversight of high level nuclear waste.

“Turnbull has already sold out Australian shipping. Not only will foreign flagged ships carry the hazardous cargo, but the port that they are taking it to will also be run by foreign interests.

The MUA warns the plan would see high level hazardous waste transported thousands of kilometres through many Territorian communities to South Australia.

Mr Mayor said there was no agreement with traditional land owners to use their land.

“Yet again, Natasha Griggs is silent on an important issue to the people she purports to represent. Has she or any of her CLP counterparts even consulted with the traditional landowners, the Larrakia people?”

Despite Northern Territory legislation preventing the transport and storage of nuclear waste, Mr Giles met with the South Australian Premier to discuss the nuclear royal commission findings and to hatch a rail or road transport plan.

The Commission report says it takes 500 years for the most radioactive elements of high level waste to decay and total isolation from the environment is needed for hundreds of thousands of years. 


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney