MUA celebrates major win for Indian dock workers

Published: 8 Jan 2010

Maritime Union of Australia’s national secretary Paddy Crumlin has called the successful negotiation of wage revision and retrospective payments for Indian dockworkers a triumph and sent official congratulations the All India Port and Dockworkers Union’s members and leadership.


“This excellent result comes after a concerted and determined campaign by the union for wage justice”, said Crumlin on behalf of the MUA and as chairman of ITF Dockworkers Section.

He told SR Kulkarni, president of the AIDDU, and general secretary Mohammed Haneef, that the win was “a great tribute to your leadership and the strength of AIPDU. We look forward to continuing our campaign with you at Gateway Terminals of India (GTI) for the reinstatement of a legitimate contract based on comparative dockers’ conditions at GTI in Mumbai and other terminal operations using yellow union labour, intimidation and deregulation of established dockers working standards in India”

The win for the workers came earlier this week after drawn-out talks between the management (Indian Ports Association) and five dock workers’ federations in New Delhi. The Indian Shipping Ministry on Monday agreed to provide 23 per cent fitment benefits and settle arrears from the day the workers demanded, averting a nationwide dock strike due to begin from Monday midnight.

According to sources of the online news service Expressbuzz, there were tense moments before the Shipping Ministry finally agreed to the dock workers’ demands of fitment benefits of 23 per cent of pay, and dearness allowance besides providing arrears from January 1, 2007 instead of January 2009.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney