Message from Norway - Solidarity and Friendship

Published: 3 Aug 2011

A message from Parat, one of Norway's largest trade unions.

Dear friends,

On behalf of Parat and our concerned members, employees and the entire organisation, I thank you for your support during the difficult times we are in.

In times like these our daily work seems less meaningful. At the same time, the days after the cowardly terrorist act and unbelievable tragedy on July 22nd , have shown unity and solidarity across political borders, religion and cultural background that we will bear with us when the everyday life one day is back to near normal.

Never before have solidarity and unity been more important, or proved stronger in practice than we have seen in Norway, but also felt warm and wholehearted from our neighbors and friends in Scandinavia and Europe this last week.

This shows us that the international labour movements struggle for a better world, is right and important.

We thank you for your support and solidarity.

Best regards

Vegard Einan
Vice president, Parat




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney